The goal of the project is to deploy in near-Earth space a multi-satellite constellation
Multidimensional registration of flares from astrophysical objects of various nature
Integration of science, education and engineering
why IT'S important?
Bringing the results of advanced scientific research to applied spacecraft systems
Expanding the possibilities of using CubeSats in education purposes
Our Solution
Development of an educational program based on the existing educational sector with the aim of training specialists in the field of physics, technology and management. Focus on project based learning
Constellation of the small spacecrafts to localize the sources of danger to the people and the human environment
Applying the results of advanced scientific research to applied space system
Deployment of a distributed network of receiving stations with centralized storage of received data. FM+X band.
Ground complex for receiving, processing, disseminating information - with a mission web portal
Constellation 270
Implementation by students of their own space mission
Compensation of missing skills by special courses after admission exams (“the physics for engineers”, “the engineering for physicists”)
Partnership network with other faculties of MSU, as well as with external organizations
Cooperation with private space companies in development of payloads
Research and development of algorithms for controlling constellation of satellites, positioning methods and new principles of movement in outer space
11 ground receiving and control stations
Center for shared use of targeted information, including data analysis systems
Software platform for design, simulation and control of space systems